Mind vs Reality

Don’t worry, that “vs” is just for show. It’s not a battle, but there are differences, especially if we think about what “reality” really means. Have you ever searched for what Wikipedia says about reality? Here it is: “Reality is the sum or aggregate of all that is real or existent, as opposed to that which is only imaginary. The term is also used to refer to … Continue reading Mind vs Reality

Holding a grudge? – Reblog

“When you stay upset on someone, you give your emotional control to that person every time you think about her. You’re allowing that person to control your emotions from a distance. By not forgiving her, you’re allowing that person to control your emotional life as if she would be with you in that moment and the situation is happening all over again.” – Brian Tracy This … Continue reading Holding a grudge? – Reblog

The “curse” of being wrong

This is something most people want to avoid. This is basically why so many awesome ideas die. People cannot stand the fact they might be wrong. They just don’t, especially when they strongly believe in a certain idea. This is related to the fact that an idea or an opinion is strongly connected to the self, the ego and anything that threatens the idea, it … Continue reading The “curse” of being wrong

We become what we’re surrounding ourselves with – Reblog

Starting from a comment Viola Bleu posted on one of my writings, I began skating the internet (I don’t surf because I don’t know how to swim), to get more insights about this idea that we are becoming what we’re surrounding ourselves with. Why is this happening? It’s happening because whatever we have around us becomes familiar and we like familiar things. The more familiar they are, … Continue reading We become what we’re surrounding ourselves with – Reblog

I need to vs I have to – Reblog

We do things every day. Some of them we enjoy doing, others to do because we have to and some we do because we need to. There is this thing I’ve noticed: whenever we have to do things, we sometimes feel worse compared to the things we need to do. Why is this happening? I believe this happens because when we have to do things, we subconsciously feel obligated … Continue reading I need to vs I have to – Reblog

Healthier through breathing

Are you familiar with Wim Hof’s method of staying healthy? If you are, you know what I’m talking about. If not, this is going to be interesting. Honestly, I had little information about Wim Hof, but I knew he is a strong healthy individual. Today I came across a video talking about his breathing technique, which is one of the three parts of his method … Continue reading Healthier through breathing

Rephrasing: A path to a better communication? – Reblog

Rephrasing is a therapeutic technique developed by Carl Rogers which represents the expression in a more concise way whatever the other person just said (rephrasing is different from reframing which is another therapeutic method, but this second one is used for changing the context or the perspective with a different one that fits at least as good). Since he was a psychologist, he developed this method as a way … Continue reading Rephrasing: A path to a better communication? – Reblog

The eye-opening decision

Believe it or not, we live most our lives blind. Of course, I’m not talking from a biological perspective, but from a perspective perspective. The fact that we live our own life has both advantages and disadvantages. The biggest advantage is that we control most of it (even more with huge courage). The biggest disadvantage is that we get stuck in one perspective: our own, … Continue reading The eye-opening decision

Can we beat homeostasis? – Reblog

This question has been raised by Natalie and I found it to be a very interesting topic to think about. I think about homeostasis just as I think about comfort zone (even though it’s a biological thing like maintaining the temperature, the level of each hormone released, the blood pressure and so on). Here is a definition of it:    “Homeostasis is the state of steady internal conditions … Continue reading Can we beat homeostasis? – Reblog

Life: Stories and Adventures

There is such a big difference between our lives and the lives other people live. This happens not because we live different lives, but because we live our life from a first person’s perspective, whilst everybody else’s life is seen from a third person’s perspective. We see and perceive other lives through stories and adventures, whilst we see our life through the things we need … Continue reading Life: Stories and Adventures

The distinction between thoughts and emotions – Reblog

Yeah, I know. It sounds pretty easy, right? Judith S. Beck talks in her book Cognitive therapy: Basics and beyond (1995) about confusions people often make. Let me give you some examples: I feel that he hates me. I know today is going to be a bad day, I can feel I think I’m sad. “Why the f*ck does it matter?” Great question! It matters because according to the cognitive therapy, we can do something … Continue reading The distinction between thoughts and emotions – Reblog

Motivation through other people – Reblog

I listened to this podcast today where Tom Bilyeu talked with Ed Mylett about some interesting ideas. One of the things that hit me hard was the story about the time Ed Mylett went to the doctor. He said that this doctor had a different approach in addressing the health issues Ed had. Instead of prescribing some meds and getting to the next patient, this doctor asked Ed if he … Continue reading Motivation through other people – Reblog

The Art of Communication

This seems to be a never-ending topic, and no wonder. We “communicate” daily, or at least, that’s what we think we do. But do we really? Lately, I got even more obsessed about the way we communicate (I didn’t think it was possible) and obviously, I started with observing the way I communicate. The main issue in my way of communicating is that too many … Continue reading The Art of Communication

SnapDragon Speaks: On Planting Positivity.

It’s Back-to-School Time, lovelies. My favorite time of the year. It’s a time for new sneakers, fresh notebooks, and all of the sharpened pencils a girl can dream of. I suppose as a teacher, it’s in my blood to feel this way. My internal clock seems to tick according to unit plans, projects, and semesters. Yet while this euphoric New-School-Year-feel inevitably fades, I remind myself … Continue reading SnapDragon Speaks: On Planting Positivity.

Why some people hate their job – Reblog

Have you noticed how detested are jobs these days? Apparently, 85% of people worldwide hate their jobs (you can find the source of that article here). Since we’re spending so much of our lives working and lots of our time off thinking about work, I believe this is a huge problem our society has. So what are the main reasons for this? In my opinion, one … Continue reading Why some people hate their job – Reblog