
We aim to please. And by that, we don’t mean that this section is without substance. Actually, it may be our most sneaky content of all – aimed to delight while all the while providing something worth thinking about.

“Laughter without a tinge of philosophy is but a sneeze of humor. Genuine humor is replete with wisdom.”

Mark Twain

NNR YouTube Channel

From the New Normal Rep, a theater company founded by Jack Canfora, see the entertaining and innovative content they are producing. Check out some of the plays and shorter pieces they’ve done on the NNR YouTube channel.

  • The Gift of a Backstory

    The Gift of a Backstory

    Disney announced they are releasing, Mufasa: The Lion King at the end of 2024. December 20th, to be specific. More than thirty years since the first release in this beloved series we are getting the backstory on Mufasa. How did he become one of the greatest leaders of the Pride Lands? Why was Scar so…

  • Question of the Day: What’s one “hack” for maintaining continual mindful awareness in daily life?

    Question of the Day: What’s one “hack” for maintaining continual mindful awareness in daily life?

    Using the breath as an anchor is a classic example. However, the breath can be too subtle a sensation for many of us. One tactic I’ve tried is to set a repeating, silent vibrate alarm on a Fitbit device, which has not been especially successful. Another tactic I’ve heard of (but haven’t tried) is to…

  • Bravery, One Publish at a Time

    Bravery, One Publish at a Time

    Over the 62 episodes we’ve produced, I’ve been lucky to talk with enough bloggers on the Sharing the Heart of the Matter podcast that I do with Vicki Atkinson to know it’s a pretty universal experience that we felt that nervous feeling before pushing the “publish” button. Definitely for our first post – and for…

  • In Hindsight

    In Hindsight

    Recently I was in a noisy restaurant with some friends and acquaintances recently when I heard someone behind me say, “Before I became a parent, I never thought I would ever…” It caught my ear so I turned to find it was a friend, the mother of a three-year-old, who had started the sentence. I…

  • What you see is not what I see

    What you see is not what I see

    It was the season of Christmas, when I ventured into the wild realm of secondary school education as a substitute teacher.  Imagine: I, the academic chameleon, who had always bounced between eighth, ninth, and tenth grades, unknowingly stumbled upon the grand finale during my short stint in eighth, ninth, and tenth grade. Now let’s talk…