The Endless Quest for Greener Grass

Why are many humans on an endless quest for greener grass? Rather than enjoying the here and now, we convince ourselves that retirement, a different job, a bigger house, or a new relationship, will be the key to our happiness. But is the grass really greener? And even if it is, will the sight of that lush green grass satisfy us, or will we continue … Continue reading The Endless Quest for Greener Grass

How to Develop a Growth Mindset

Last week, at a meeting about a writing project I’m involved in, someone said, “Only people with a growth mindset will want to read this.” This made me think about how a growth mindset is a key determinant of success in life. Read on to learn how someone with a fixed mindset can take steps toward adopting a growth mindset. The Difference Between a Fixed … Continue reading How to Develop a Growth Mindset

How Essentialism Can Help You Get More Out of Life

Do you consider yourself a minimalist? My focus on decluttering and sustainability might lead some to call me a minimalist. I’m not a fan of labels, but I prefer the term essentialist. If you’re not familiar with essentialism, read on to learn about its core principles, and how they can help you get more out of life. I heard the term essentialism for the first … Continue reading How Essentialism Can Help You Get More Out of Life

Choosing Joy Over Happiness

Joy. It’s a simple word, and one we hear often. But what does it really mean to be joyful? Is joy the same as happiness? And how do we bring more joy into our lives? Many people spend their lives on a continuous quest for happiness, but is that the right goal? In their book Love People, Use Things, The Minimalists Joshua Fields Millburn and … Continue reading Choosing Joy Over Happiness

close up of human hand

What Is Creativity?

When we speak about creativity, most people think mainly of fine arts, and artistic creations, whose role is mainly aesthetic. But creativity is not only that. So, what is creativity? Creativity is defined as the ability to make or otherwise bring into existence something new, whether a new solution to a problem, a new method or device, or a new artistic object or form. If … Continue reading What Is Creativity?

How to Manage Uncertainty: Lessons from Philosophy

If there is anything that we seem to fear most in this world, it is uncertainty. The great unknown, the darkness that lies in the abyss. Uncertainty about how the future will unfold is the source of many of our anxieties. This is because we desperately crave certainty. We dream of secure and orderly lives where everything goes according to the plan – the script … Continue reading How to Manage Uncertainty: Lessons from Philosophy

SnapDragon Speaks: On The Painted Wall.

We’ve lived in this house for eight years. We’ve watched its carpets collect happy dirt. We’ve watched its windows slowly adapt to each passing season. We’ve remodeled; hosted parties; built a container garden on the deck. We’ve relocated litter boxes; hung up photos of our families and bizarre expressionist paintings; we’ve scattered scented candles. We’ve repurposed a guest room to a nursery, delightfully filling every … Continue reading SnapDragon Speaks: On The Painted Wall.

SnapDragon Speaks: On The Gentle Spirit.

Inside this chest pounds a heart so steady. Inside this head lives a brain so alive. And somewhere in between rests a spirit so gentle, even the tiniest of scratches leaves a scar. . . . How would you describe your spirit, Dear Reader? What inspires you? What shakes you to your core? (Such easy questions to answer, I know!) 🙈 We’re in this thing … Continue reading SnapDragon Speaks: On The Gentle Spirit.

SnapDragon Speaks: On The Same Side.

I fondly remember the days of grammar-school playgrounds; of brown-bagged lunches; of field trips to museums, caverns, and coal mines. I remember the sense of belonging within those classroom walls. There was a constance amongst us kids: a comradery that strengthened with each lesson, each game, each talent show. The questions we asked were not stupid, but welcomed. We were family. And as the decades … Continue reading SnapDragon Speaks: On The Same Side.

The Secret Ingredient Missing From Every Conversation

That’s the most liberating, wonderful thing in the world, when you openly admit you’re an ass. It’s wonderful. When people tell me, “You’re wrong.” I say, “What can you expect of an ass?” S.J. ANTHONY DE MELLO – SOURCE: AWARENESS The vast majority of conversations consist of two people trying to have their egos validated by proving that one is right and the other is wrong. … Continue reading The Secret Ingredient Missing From Every Conversation

Top 5 Books That Changed My Mindset

Over the years I realized how different perspectives coming from different people can change our own perspective about everything, and, therefore, our life. The most important part is that we don’t even to know those people or directly interact with them, but we can interact with their perspective through their writings. Throughout my life, whenever I was in a tough place, the only thing that … Continue reading Top 5 Books That Changed My Mindset

SnapDragon Speaks: On The Get Up.

Fresh Face, 2020. Original Photo by SnapDragon X. All rights reserved. It’s Monday again. It’s ice cold here in my corner of the world. It’s the perfect day to stay in bed, sip a mug of steamy goodness, and let laziness lead the way. But there are many things to do. As I look in the mirror, I see wrinkles. Weary eyes. Chapped lips. I … Continue reading SnapDragon Speaks: On The Get Up.

SnapDragon Speaks: On Being Lost & Found.

Hello, Dear Reader. It’s nice to see you again. I’m still here. I’m still SnapDragon, but now I’m a mom! (gasp!) Our little boy came ten weeks early, and while it’s been an insanely stressful adventure, I’m happy to report he’s doing well. He’s our little champ, getting stronger every day. And so, in this new year and new journey into motherhood, I’m assessing all … Continue reading SnapDragon Speaks: On Being Lost & Found.