photo of woman sitting on couch while hugging her child

Exploring Scandinavian Serenity: Hygge, and Fika

Welcome to the first post of the short series exploring the captivating concepts of serenity and well-being from Scandinavian countries. In this series of two, we delve into two distinct yet equally intriguing concepts: hygge from Denmark and Norway, and fika from Sweden. Each concept embodies the essence of mindfulness, relaxation, and connection in its unique way. Last week I delved into the Dutch concept … Continue reading Exploring Scandinavian Serenity: Hygge, and Fika

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Loneliness, Solitude, and Connection During the Holiday Season

The holiday season is often portrayed as a time of joy, togetherness, and celebration. However, for many individuals, this time of year can amplify feelings of loneliness and isolation. In this blog post, I’ll explore strategies for healing loneliness, adjusting to solitude, and reconnecting with others, especially during a festive period. 1. Healing Loneliness Understanding the Roots: Loneliness is a complex emotion, and understanding its … Continue reading Loneliness, Solitude, and Connection During the Holiday Season

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The Power of Connection – Thriving Together in the Face of Challenges

In our lives, there’s a thread that binds us all, a common truth that transcends cultural, geographical, and temporal boundaries: connection. As social beings, our journey through life is enriched when we share our burdens, joys, and tribulations with others. Picture this: you’re navigating the unpredictable currents of life, faced with challenges that seem impossible. In moments of solitude, the weight of these challenges can … Continue reading The Power of Connection – Thriving Together in the Face of Challenges

person holding colorful heart shaped

Embracing Outrospection in an Age of Introspection Overload

In our fast-paced world, where self-reflection and personal development have become buzzwords, it’s easy to find ourselves caught in a whirlwind of introspection. We’re constantly encouraged to look inward, understand our feelings, and navigate the labyrinth of our own minds. However, in the midst of this cultural obsession with self-discovery, we may be inadvertently neglecting a crucial element of human connection — outrospection. The Rise … Continue reading Embracing Outrospection in an Age of Introspection Overload

mad formal executive man yelling at camera

The Pitfalls of Arrogance: Why Humility Triumphs

Arrogance, the trait of overestimating one’s abilities or importance while underestimating others, is a human characteristic like many others. While it may sometimes be mistaken for self-confidence, arrogance often leads to negative consequences in personal and professional relationships. Let’s see why arrogance has a destructive power and why embracing humility is a far wiser choice. The Destructive Power of Arrogance Arrogance can act as a … Continue reading The Pitfalls of Arrogance: Why Humility Triumphs

person in red long sleeve shirt holding brown beaded necklace

The True Meaning of Karma, How It Works and How It Helps You Improving Your Life

Karma is one of the most known concepts of Buddhism and Hinduism. At the same time, it is also one of the least understood. You may hear people speaking about having a good or a bad Karma without really knowing what it is about. Those two main Eastern religions define Karma in the same way despite having developed their own concept of “Karman”, which can … Continue reading The True Meaning of Karma, How It Works and How It Helps You Improving Your Life

person wearing gray hoodie jacket watching lake

Can Loneliness Be a Resource?

There is an aphorism by Jean Paul Sartre that values the healthy aspect of loneliness: “If you are sad when you are alone, you are probably in bad company”. There is nothing more truthful than this statement. If you cannot enjoy being with yourself, how could you cultivate broader relationships that involve other personalities, different visions of the world and thoughts? Loneliness is a connection … Continue reading Can Loneliness Be a Resource?

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An Opportunity To Share and Connect

Dear readers, This Christmas we wanted to give something back to say thank you for all of your continued support. So, we thought we’d offer you all the opportunity to share and promote your blog here on Pointless Overthinking… for free! Here’s the proposal: If you would like to share your blog, please introduce yourself and leave a description of your site with a link to it … Continue reading An Opportunity To Share and Connect

Missed Connections

“Throughout our lives we long to love ourselves more deeply and to feel connected with others. Instead, we often contract, fear intimacy, and suffer a bewildering sense of separation. We crave love, and yet we are lonely. Our delusion of being separate from one another, of being apart from all that is around us, gives rise to all of this pain.” Sharon Salzberg Hello, friends. … Continue reading Missed Connections


Hi everyone, Let’s talk about food today. I have always been interested in human universals and I also have had sufficient enough interaction with people from different cultures. I noticed a lot of similarities between all these people but one thing that always caught my attention more than anything else is how food works for all. We all know that we need food to literally … Continue reading Food