Feeling Stuck? The Two-Minute Rule Can Help!

Last week, I wrote about how the unexpected gift of a bonus hour helped me overcome procrastination and get something done that I had been putting off for several months. Even if you don’t have an hour, you can probably spare two minutes. If you’re feeling stuck, applying the two-minute rule can help.

Earlier this year, I heard a talk by James Clear, author of Atomic Habits. His talk piqued my curiosity, so I decided to read the book.

There’s a lot of information in Atomic Habits. Like many of these kinds of books, much of it felt like common sense to me. However, one of the key learnings I took away from the book is how good habits often start with the smallest change. You may have heard the saying “Every journey starts with a single step.” That’s the basic premise of the two-minute rule.

You can do anything for two minutes

The idea of two minutes being enough to form a habit really got my attention. Skeptics might say you can’t make meaningful progress toward anything in two minutes, but Clear’s point is you can’t improve a habit that doesn’t exist.

He suggests starting with the smallest possible behaviour that moves you in the right direction. If you want to be a writer, commit to writing one sentence every day. If you want to form an exercise habit, lace up your running shoes and take a few steps every day. Then, reinforce in your mind that you are a person who writes every day, or who exercises every day.

After reading the book, I started applying the two-minute rule to journalling. Every morning, when I sit down with my tea, I reflect on the previous day and write in my journal. This has become part of my morning routine and I have missed very few days. Even more importantly, I often find I want to keep going after I get started and spend more than two minutes on a given task.

In Atomic Habits, Clear maintains the two-minute rule can help you master the art of showing up, and that’s how habits are formed.

Applying the two-minute rule to decluttering

As I thought more about the two-minute rule, I decided to see if it would work for decluttering as well.

I’ve been travelling a lot in 2023, so I’m feeling the clutter start to slowly creep back into my life. When you’re short on time, it’s easy to just set things down in the most convenient place—usually not the place the item belongs. If the two-minute rule works for writing, journaling, and exercising, could it also work for decluttering?

After I wrote Simple Living in a Complex World, my first post for Wise & Shine, Julia Preston of Voices In My Head left a comment suggesting a one-drawer-at-a-time decluttering challenge—or even one closet, or one room.

This felt like a perfect application for the two-minute rule, so I decided to give it a try. I did a mini decluttering challenge to clear up the area around the chair in my living room where I do most of my writing and reading. It worked! Here’s the proof.

Before and after of my first 2-minute decluttering challenge

A few days ago, as I sat in that newly cleaned-up area, I glanced over at the piano which always seems to be a magnet for junk. Another two-minute challenge was born!

Two-minute decluttering challenge #2

Clearly, the two-minute rule has some merit. Now I’m seeing all sorts of areas where spending two minutes can make a difference. Maybe I’ll become a person who declutters every day.

Take the two-minute challenge this week

These types of mini challenges have worked for me, so let’s see how they can work for you.

Is there something you’ve been procrastinating about, or a new habit you’re wanting to develop? This week, try a two-minute challenge of your own. Then, drop me a comment below and let me know how it went.

The two-minute rule could be the start of something wonderful! What have you got to lose?

Learn more about me in my bio and on my personal blog at BoomerEcoCrusader.com. You can also find me on Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest.

27 thoughts on “Feeling Stuck? The Two-Minute Rule Can Help!

  1. I’d forgotten about this trick/approach. I’d come across a variation but it focused on 5 minutes. I’d forgotten how effective it can be. Before going away this weekend, I’d punctuated my Thursday and Friday working at home with ‘breaks’ so I could tidy up etc before going away. I was surprised at how much I could achieve. You also highlight the infectious and encouraging nature of this approach.

    1. Thanks Brenda. It really is such a simple way to motivate action. I pretty much always find 2 minutes turns into 5, 10 or even longer once I get started.

      1. I agree, it feels manageable when it’s just a few minutes … maybe that’s why the 4 hour class today has felt like a lifetime 😆

    1. Thanks Vicki! I have to start working on some new 2-minute rules. They really do inspire me to do more.

      1. Yes! I chuckled when I read because I thought about the 70’s gameshow “Beat the Clock”…set a timer and get to it! 🤣😊🤣

  2. Last week I lost a special cushion that I use when I have stomachache. Before sitting down and read my WP reader, I decided to put order in my wardrobe and I found it! Maybe I spent more that two minute but it was worth! I read The 5 Second Rule by Mel Robbins (also an interesting reading https://www.melrobbins.com/5secondrule ) but I didn’t know this Two-Minute Rule. Thank you for showing how it worked for you!

    1. Thanks Cristiana. It’s amazing the things we discover when we clean up and organize. Glad you found your cushion!

  3. I’m definitely going to give this a go. Like you, I’ll focus on decluttering and tidying one small area. Fingers crossed I meet with as much success as you have.

  4. I like this. I think I’ll suggest it to my daughter for my 9 year old grandson. Maybe it’ll be a way for him to develop a habit of picking up after himself!

    1. Oh what a great idea to use it with kids, Rhonda! You could even choose a favourite song to play to help with the timing.

    1. Thanks Cheryl! You’re right. So many of these things are common sense, or things we just automatically do.

  5. I love, “master the art of showing up,” That’s good! Okay – I’m in for trying the two minute rule this week. Thanks for a great post and the inspiration, Michelle!

    1. Thanks Wynne. Sometimes two minutes is enough to get you moving, and that’s oten the hardest part.

  6. Thank you for this post. I just finished reading Atomic Habits as well and it has so many wisdoms that all of us can apply to our lives right now, especially that a month from now is the New Year.

    1. It really was a great book with so many simple strategies to develop good habits. Another one of my favourites was “never miss twice”. I’ve been applying that to my workouts and it has really helped.

      Thanks for reading and commenting!

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