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Why Learning to Recognize and Understand Your Emotions is Important for Your Wellbeing

From a specialist point of view, emotions can be defined as a response that originates following the activation of specific brain circuits and manifests at the organic, behavioral, and cognitive levels. They play a crucial role in regulating mood, motivation, and behavior.

Emotions are often linked to body reactions. I am sure you have heard the idiomatic expression ‘butterflies in one’s stomach’, that defines a feeling of nervousness, like speaking in public, or meeting with someone you like or you are in love with. In fact, the perception of emotions always begins with its immediate body component.

An emotional state can be detected by a series of physical clues, such as posture, facial and body expressions, voluntary and involuntary behaviors. In practice, our body constantly communicates what we are experiencing emotionally.

Recent researches in the field of neuroscience show how, when a person experiences an emotionally significant event, such as falling in love, suffering a bereavement, or living a particular life condition, their brain and the whole organism undergo a revolution. Emotion processing involves a vast network of neural and behavioral circuits, which interconnect in complex ways to give rise to the understanding and regulation of emotional states.

Psychology of emotions

The psychological component of emotion represents the interpretation that individuals give to their emotional experience. Interpretation is influenced by the way in which people know themselves, the context in which they find themselves and the experience of which they have been protagonists.

For example, if I hear suspicious noises in my house in the middle of the night, I will most probably interpret my physiological, somatic, behavioral, and cognitive reaction as fear.

The individual’s interpretation of emotions can influence how a person will deal with future events. If a person interprets a situation in a negative way, they may be more prone to feeling anxious or worried in the future. On the other hand, if they interpret a situation in a positive way, they may feel more confident and motivated.

Emotion as an integral part of our daily lives

The emotions we experience are an integral part of our daily lives and, in most cases, we can manage them without too many problems.  However, there are times when our emotional reactions can surprise us and become difficult to interpret and manage.

In these cases, the immediate effect is a greater intensity of the emotion itself and a feeling of confusion and fear. We could compare these feelings to anxiety, depression, or even panic attacks.

To better manage these situations, it is important to have a good knowledge of yourself and your emotional reactions.

In this way, you can learn to manage your emotions more consciously and prevent the start of more serious psychological problems.

Understanding and managing emotions for your well-being

Emotions have a strong impact on our psychological and physical well-being.  The difficulty in being able to understand and manage your emotions can lead to a state of disorientation and psychological malaise. This state may be characterized by symptoms such as anxiety, depression, and even panic attacks, as said before.

Therefore, understanding and managing your emotions is essential for your overall well-being. Awareness of emotions, their identification along with understanding of their meaning, would help prevent the development of psychological disorders and improve your quality of life.

The concept of emotional well-being should be understood as the ability to recognize and name your emotions, by identifying the context in which they manifest and reconnecting them to your personal history. It is a process that requires a great self-awareness and knowledge of your own life experiences. In this way you will be able to boost your personal growth. Emotional well-being is achieved when you can find effective solutions to manage your emotions appropriately.

Therefore,  self-awareness is an important aspect, which allows you to recognize when you are in a positive or negative emotional state, and act accordingly for your well-being.

Can you recognize and name any of your emotions?

For more on emotions, please visit my blog.

14 thoughts on “Why Learning to Recognize and Understand Your Emotions is Important for Your Wellbeing

  1. Men and women have been trained to ignore certain emothions that aren’t “befitting” to their gender, so over time we become innured to the physical cues of what we’re feeling, and instead our emotions manifest very diffently over time, and not always in beneficial ways!

  2. Often it’s secondary emotions – feeling bad about feeling bad (shame) or feeling good about feeling bad (self righteous) or feeling bad about feeling good (guilt) or feeling good about feeling good (narcissism) – that mess up. Recognising that secondary emotional response to stop it spiralling is important. Although much easier said than done. I like the meditation RAIN. Recognise. Accept. Investigate. Note (or Nurture.) for when I’m feeling particularly emotional. Thanks for the informative post Cristiana 🙏

  3. What you’ve described is exactly how (when I was teaching school) we would work with the emotionally distressed kids. The first step was for them to notice how they felt and to name the emotion. Most times they didn’t even recognize what they were feeling. Good article!

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