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Why Learning to Recognize and Understand Your Emotions is Important for Your Wellbeing

From a specialist point of view, emotions can be defined as a response that originates following the activation of specific brain circuits and manifests at the organic, behavioral, and cognitive levels. They play a crucial role in regulating mood, motivation, and behavior. Emotions are often linked to body reactions. I am sure you have heard the idiomatic expression ‘butterflies in one’s stomach’, that defines a … Continue reading Why Learning to Recognize and Understand Your Emotions is Important for Your Wellbeing

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How Learning a Foreign Language Has Positive Effects on Your Brain

Learning a new language is like learning to drive. It doesn’t matter in which order you learn to steer, use the brake, or change gear. It’s what you do as a whole that is important, not which component you learn first. The latest breakthroughs in neurosciences, combined with innovative technology for measuring brain activity, are shedding new light on the neural basis of foreign language … Continue reading How Learning a Foreign Language Has Positive Effects on Your Brain