close up photography of yellow green red and brown plastic cones on white lined surface

Empower Your Colleagues

In the mid-2000’s the businessman Brian Robertson wanted his business to increase by making the decision making process more efficient. It was then that the concept of holacracy emerged for the first time in the United States. According to Robertson, the only solution to work more efficiently would be promoting autonomy and reducing the number of parties involved in decision making. In a holacracy system, … Continue reading Empower Your Colleagues

person holding compass

Where We Are Meant To Be

We’re all looking for that Goldilocks position in life. That ultimate purpose specifically suited to our own unique talents and values. Of course, we want to maximise our potential to do the most possible good. This is why many of us have this gnawing sense that the job we’re in isn’t quite right. We feel like we are meant for something else, something more. I … Continue reading Where We Are Meant To Be

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Ikigai: the Search for Meaning

The search for meaning is inherent in the human being. In Japan there is even a specific word to define the importance of having a purpose in life: Ikigai. The Ikigai refers to the individual motivation, the one that makes us get out of bed every morning and that gives us the joy of living. There is no direct English translation. Ikigai does not need to … Continue reading Ikigai: the Search for Meaning

man wearing white shirt brown shorts and green backpack standing on hill

Fear-Setting: A powerful exercise for making major life decisions.

Beware fear disguised as optimism. “There’s no difference between a pessimist who says, ‘Oh, it’s hopeless, so don’t bother doing anything,’ and an optimist who says, ‘Don’t bother doing anything, it’s going to turn out fine any way.’ Either way, nothing happens.” — YVON CHOUINARD Most of us don’t call fear out for what it is. We often dress it up as something else. Many … Continue reading Fear-Setting: A powerful exercise for making major life decisions.

What I Have Learned from Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci was the most creative genius in history. Of course, saying that I learned things from Leonardo is perhaps a bit risky, because in fact Leonardo is the very embodiment of genius. As we know, Leonardo lived in a particular era for humanity, the Renaissance, when literature, philosophy, science and the fine arts experienced an unprecedented splendour. Italy was in full economic momentum … Continue reading What I Have Learned from Leonardo da Vinci

How to Embrace Change

Life is constant change, Buddha and Aristotle already said it: change is a fact of life. But change has also been accelerating in recent decades. Massive disruption across the social, technological, political and environmental dimensions of our lives means that we are constantly trying to figure out how best to manage uncertainty. And for someone it can be scary. The origin of this fear can … Continue reading How to Embrace Change

Perspective Change

Hello on another Sunday! I am working on my Life Coach Certification and I am about to be done. My certification is based on a model called NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) and the specific techniques in the method made me think of the importance of perspective in our lives. NLP is a model that uses our neurological wiring and linguistic usage to reprogram how we see … Continue reading Perspective Change

Running Out Of Risk

By Ellen Jayne | Traveling and living like a nomad brings me so much life. I feel energized, inspired, alive. I am entirely engaged in the present moment. Although I’m an ardent advocate for finding simple pleasures in our every day lives, it’s important to recognize when your current routine isn’t working. Do I need to feel the component of risk in my life to be happy? Continue reading Running Out Of Risk

How to Make Your Personality Better

Hi all, This week’s post is a collaboration post. Khizer and I wrote this post together. Go check his blog. If you like Pointlessoverthinking, you will like his posts as well. He posts about self-reflection, personal development etc. and he is very insightful at that. Having said that, enjoy the post below and let me know what your thoughts are on the topic! Do they … Continue reading How to Make Your Personality Better

What Quarantine Taught me I could Live without

Hi everyone, How is your quarantine going? Let’s talk about one specific aspect of this suddenly-imposed-on-us: how things that we thought were so important and we could not live without went out of our lives. A small change for me is cappuccino. I am not a huge coffee person. But I would want to have cappuccino every three or four days. When I wanted it, … Continue reading What Quarantine Taught me I could Live without

Living with Uncertainty

Hi everyone! Until recently, I have struggled with the idea of an ‘uncertain future’. I grew up in a family of government workers. In Turkey, if you work for the government, you are guaranteed for life. You have job security, full health care coverage etc. So, I valued guaranteeing things. But I also have this side of me which sort of does not want to … Continue reading Living with Uncertainty