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Why Emotionally Intelligent People Never Seek Revenge

In the heat of anger or hurt, seeking revenge often feels like the most satisfying option. However, the truth is far from that impulse. Emotionally intelligent individuals understand that true satisfaction and closure come from letting karma take its course. In a world where the adage “you reap what you sow” holds, there’s no need to stoop down to seek retribution.

Here’s why it’s futile to seek revenge:

1. Preserving Your Dignity by Letting Karma Work for You

Seeking vengeance is not an easy feat and often burdens the soul. However, karma operates outside the realms of legality or societal norms. By living your life and allowing karma to play its part, you preserve your dignity.

2. The Satisfaction of Watching Karma Unfold

The universe operates like a cosmic photocopier, mirroring back exactly what you put out. Those who inflict harm upon others eventually find themselves in similar predicaments. The precision of karma is astonishing; every wrong inflicted upon another returns directly to the source. Finding satisfaction in witnessing this cosmic justice is far more gratifying than seeking revenge.

3. Beware the Potential Consequences of Revenge

While you may seek retribution against someone, remember Newton’s third law: “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.” Even if you evade societal or legal repercussions, karma remains impartial and will catch up to you eventually.

4. Choosing Your Battles Wisely

Understanding that not every battle can be won is a mark of true intelligence. Holding grudges only drains your energy and accomplishes nothing. Instead, focus on moving forward and leading a fulfilling life.

5. Success: The Ultimate Revenge

Do people hurt others because they want to see them suffer? Maybe sometimes they do, but sometimes it’s involuntary. In any case, you can disarm them by showing their actions have no negative impact on your life. Channel your energy into achieving your goals, and your success will speak louder than any retaliation.

In essence, those who seek revenge only perpetuate their suffering, fearing that their pain might diminish. Instead, embracing the concept of karma and focusing on personal growth leads to true fulfillment and peace.

By aligning with the principles of karma and emotional intelligence, you can manage conflicts with grace and dignity, ultimately finding solace in the natural order of the universe.

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6 thoughts on “Why Emotionally Intelligent People Never Seek Revenge

  1. I agree with a lot of this, but disagree a little.
    For the most part I am in agreement that karma will play its part in the larger sense of catching up with a bad person that does bad things.
    But sometimes when someone is really digging their heels into you, i.e, this chick @ my job who is making it her mission to make me miserable… and maybe it has nothing to do with me.
    I have the sense she’s just a miserable person who enjoys putting ppl down to make herself feel better.
    I don’t think it diminishes my intelligence to knock this crabapple down a notch.
    Sometimes karma doesn’t work fast enough.
    And I don’t want to be unhappy @ my job, where management is like “well unfortunately we can’t do much.”
    So I think it’s kind of grey area.

  2. I am sorry that you’re experiencing a difficult situation with one of your colleagues at work. I see your point, and you’re right. Most probably that person has serious problems and she should seek professional help. But one day their karma will ask for the bill. I have been harassed twice in two different workplaces by my bosses. The first one, after some years, fell ill and had to retire earlier than planned. The second one was fired after two years. I am sorry to hear about your management saying they cannot do much. It’s not true, they could do a lot. I believe that they don’t dare because they want an easy life. Thank you for sharing your experience!

  3. So many great points. Moving on with grace and dignity – so much better than burning energy on any negative action! Great essay, Cristiana!

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