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Question of the Day: What’s one “hack” for maintaining continual mindful awareness in daily life?

Using the breath as an anchor is a classic example. However, the breath can be too subtle a sensation for many of us.

One tactic I’ve tried is to set a repeating, silent vibrate alarm on a Fitbit device, which has not been especially successful.

Another tactic I’ve heard of (but haven’t tried) is to wear a non-medicated “intra-nasal” menthol inhaler. The idea is that this makes the sensation of the breath much more noticeable, although I’ll admit it seems a bit extreme.

What method have you had success with?

11 thoughts on “Question of the Day: What’s one “hack” for maintaining continual mindful awareness in daily life?

  1. I sit for a few minutes and just reflect on my surroundings,my thoughts ,how I have been until that part of the day .I also take slow mindful stroll outside watching every steps .This all helps me to be mindful and connect to myself .

    1. Sounds like you’re in the habit of taking a little break, midday, for a kind of short “session”? And that helps with the rest of the day too?

      1. I will not say a habit ,but yeah if I feel the day is going where my mind is occupied in something other than present moment. I try to do this.

      1. For me, it does, with AirPods and if the music is right. Music also helps me focus on writing and editing my books. What works best for you?

      2. If I’m doing a task, music can help me focus too. I don’t think I have tried it for general awareness support though. Actually I have yet to find a good hack for supporting just mindful awareness. The breath is often too subtle for me if I am not doing formal meditation.

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