5 Ways to Reconnect with the Earth

Happy Earth Day! How will you celebrate our wonderful planet today? One of the best things you can do is take some time to reconnect with the Earth. Read on for five ways to do just that. It won’t take a lot of time, but it will do you, and the planet, good.

It’s no secret that our Earth is in crisis. Extreme weather events are threatening our lives and our livelihood. Many of our beloved plants and animals are endangered and at risk of extinction. And, in the words of Canadian climate activist David Suzuki, “We’re in a giant car heading towards a brick wall, and everyone’s arguing over where they’re doing to sit.”

It’s Time to Rediscover Nature

A big part of the problem is we’ve become disconnected from nature. We spend far too much time indoors starting at screens. And we’re raising a generation of kids who think food comes from the supermarket or, even worse, the fast-food outlet around the corner.

This year’s Earth Day theme is Planet vs. Plastics. If you want to reduce your footprint, I invite to check out the Earth Day post I published on my personal blog last week. It has simple ways to cut back on single-use plastic.

But beyond reducing waste and cutting back on plastics, it’s time for all of us to get back to basics and rethink our relationship with the planet before it’s too late.

5 Ways to Reconnect With the Earth

Earth Day provides an excellent opportunity to reconnect with nature and our beloved Earth. Here are five simple ideas to get you started.

Go For a Walk Outdoors

If you do nothing else, set aside five or ten minutes today to get outside and go for a walk. Walking and spending time outdoors is good for your physical and mental health, and it gives you an opportunity to appreciate everything our planet has to offer. And best of all…it’s free!

Use Your Senses to Appreciate Nature

Be still and use your senses to immerse yourself in the sights and sounds of nature.

Listen to the birds chirping, bees buzzing or ducks quacking. Open your eyes and take in the wondrous beauty of plants, animals, clouds and stars. Stop and smell the spring flowers. Feel the raindrops or the wind on your skin or spend time searching for a four-leaf clover. Or just simply eat mindfully and taste the delicious food the Earth provides.

Plant Something

One of the simplest and best ways to do some good for the Earth is to plant something. There’s nothing more satisfying than seeing something you planted spring to life.

Even if you don’t have a garden or balcony, you can grow plants indoors. Pick up some seeds, pots, and soil, and get growing.  

Visit a Farmers’ Market or Farm Store

I’ve been dismayed in recent weeks as our local government has announced plans to expropriate 770 acres of farmland for an industrial park. It’s a sad sign of the times.  

Eating food grown by local farmers is such a simple thing we can do for our planet and our wellbeing. Take time today to get to know your local farmers by visiting a farmers’ market or a farm store. If you have kids, take them with you.

Learn Something

Last but not least, commit to learning something new about the Earth today. Watch a documentary, listen to a podcast, read some blog posts, or curl up with a book. For a list of things to watch, read, or do to continue your learning, check out my 2022 Earth Day post.

Our planet is in crisis, but each of us can make a difference. Take some time today to appreciate everything the Earth does for us. Then, drop me a comment below to let me know what you did to reconnect with the Earth.

Learn more about me in my bio and on my personal blog at BoomerEcoCrusader.com. You can also find me on Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest.

8 thoughts on “5 Ways to Reconnect with the Earth

  1. I will be on a plane in a couple of hours, it’s not a good way to celebrate Earth Day! I will do better tomorrow, and all the days after, as I usually try to pay a tribute to the generosity of our Mother Earth!

    1. Don’t feel too bad about flying, Cristiana. I attended a webinar this morning and learned that food waste generates more emissions than the global aviation industry! It makes you realize how much our daily actions matter. Safe travels.

  2. I like sometimes to practice not speaking, and just listening to the sounds, when on a nature walk with a friend. As you suggest, it’s a wonderful practice.

    1. Yes, definitely! Peace, tranquility and immersing ourselves fully in the nature around us is so underrated.

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