How to Slow Down the Ageing of Your Brain with 3 Actions

Like the whole human body, the brain also regresses with ageing. At birth, each human being has 100 billion neurons. At 25, your brain is at its best. Then, it gradually begins to regress and, as we age, some neurons become defective, in particular those located at the level of memory, attention and awareness of what surrounds us. This ageing process should not be regarded as a … Continue reading How to Slow Down the Ageing of Your Brain with 3 Actions

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How Learning a Foreign Language Has Positive Effects on Your Brain

Learning a new language is like learning to drive. It doesn’t matter in which order you learn to steer, use the brake, or change gear. It’s what you do as a whole that is important, not which component you learn first. The latest breakthroughs in neurosciences, combined with innovative technology for measuring brain activity, are shedding new light on the neural basis of foreign language … Continue reading How Learning a Foreign Language Has Positive Effects on Your Brain

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The Fear of Being Happy – Cherophobia

We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light. Seneca Seneca in a few words summarised that only when a human being understands the very nature of existence can spend a joyful life with full potential. What is the fear of being happy? Defined as an attitude rather than … Continue reading The Fear of Being Happy – Cherophobia

Why You Are the Words You Use

The words you use can change your reality. Language actually generates changes in your brains and changes your perception of the environment around you. Language is linked to emotions. Your words are constantly sending messages to your brain. According to neuroscientists Andrew Newberg and Mark Robert Waldman, negative words cause the increase of cortisol, the stress hormone. Therefore, adopting a negative attitude and using phrases … Continue reading Why You Are the Words You Use

How to Embrace Change

Life is constant change, Buddha and Aristotle already said it: change is a fact of life. But change has also been accelerating in recent decades. Massive disruption across the social, technological, political and environmental dimensions of our lives means that we are constantly trying to figure out how best to manage uncertainty. And for someone it can be scary. The origin of this fear can … Continue reading How to Embrace Change

Why do we get angry?

   Today I came across an interesting theory about why we’re getting angry most of the times. In his book The Brain and Emotional Intelligence: New Insights, Daniel Goleman talks about the fact that we have two ”bosses” in our head which controls the way we see things and we make decisions. There is the good boss located in our prefrontal cortex which controls our … Continue reading Why do we get angry?