a man journaling at a coffee shop

Am I Journaling? Why?

Hello blog readers!  I’ve been away for a while, and I’ll probably go back there right after this, but in the meantime, please allow me to become part of your scrolling experience today.

Unpopular opinion: I’m not really into journaling (I know, I know- BOOOOOO on me).  

But maybe the joke is on me because now that I’ve taken several weeks off from blog writing, I’m feeling a very slight urge to write again (emphasis on “very slight”).  And, the few things I’ve begun writing are coming out like…… journal entries.

I’m not sure how I feel about that.  Actually I am sure.  I think it “sounds weird” when I read it back and I doubt it has any appeal to readers other than me- and sometimes not even that.

But, you can only play the cards in your hand, and right now my hand is causing me to sort out whether I need to make some type of directional change in my life, or not.  I’m not talking about “scrap-everything-and-start-again” level changes, but maybe something significant enough to point the thing in a somewhat new direction.  

Or…..maybe not.  Maybe everything is good and I just need a minor tweak- like putting walnuts in my morning yogurt instead of almonds.

So, while I sort this out, my journal-esque writing and internal thoughts are tending to hover around the idea of…….purpose.

And if your insomnia is so bad that you’re still reading this ramble, here’s where I currently am with the idea of purpose. (Spoiler Alert: if you like conclusions, take heed- I don’t draw any)

Anyway- here we go; my latest thoughts on the concept of purpose.


They say that it’s important to have a purpose in life and that, especially as you get older, having a purpose keeps you going; keeps life meaningful. 

But when I was a kid, I don’t think I had a purpose.  I was just trying to get through the day, enjoying it as best I could. Was that my purpose?

Many people say that having a purpose keeps you young.  Are they correct? 

When I was a kid, all I did was live, learn, do and enjoy. That’s it.

It wasn’t until I went to college that I took on a purpose related to something else in the world. I adopted the purpose of becoming a teacher, and subsequently, teaching kids about music and life.

Later on, my purpose changed to raising my two daughters.

Of course we can have more than one purpose at any given time. Right now, as it has been for several decades, I feel like my purpose is to create things, play music, and entertain people.

But I’m not sure that’s good enough. 

I’m not sure that purpose is satisfying enough. 

I love it, and I’ll keep doing it, but maybe I need to be doing something else too? Maybe music should go back to being the “side hustle” purpose it has been for most of my life; always present, central and critical, but not primary.

Maybe, as I age through my 50s as a retired teacher and empty-nester, with a hopefully long slate of years left ahead of me- maybe I need a new primary purpose?

I kind of feel like I do. 

But I also kind of feel like maybe I don’t need any purpose at all. 

Maybe my new purpose is to recapture that old feeling of exploration, learning and enjoyment I knew as a kid; to be just for the sake of being.

I don’t know.

Read more at Wise & Shine or visit Todd at www.toddfulginiti.com (music) or www.fiveoclockshadow.life (writing).

27 thoughts on “Am I Journaling? Why?

  1. I can relate to this. For so many years, my purpose was my kids, my wife, and to be a provider. I think a part of me is figuring out where things stand now. I understand why you say maybe you don’t need a purpose, but your mission to find your childlike exploration and wonder, sure sounds like a pretty amazing purpose! Good luck in that search Todd! If you find it, let the rest of us know! Ha ha 😎😎😎

  2. To be a kid again. Since having retired that’s me. Take a car ride to destination unknown. Ride my bike on a forest trail and get lost in thought. When will I go home? Don’t know.
    Purpose, yes I think I have a purpose. Just ask my neighbours when they need help lifting this and that. 💪
    Friends inviting me over for lunch and conversation. Sure, I ate their food and told me their stories. It all served a purpose, but I am not always sure who benefited the most. 😆
    My blog hasn’t received my attention lately and that’s ok. Summer is pretty much here and my honey do list just keeps getting longer. Now that’s purpose. 😊

      1. Here’s what I’ve learned — the older I get, the better my focus. I’m 69 and have just started creating and guiding a large scale group project that will involve artists from absolutely everywhere. I’m loving every minute of it.

  3. Ohhhhh. Purpose. Yes…such big thinking you’re doing, remembering that “just being” is SOMETHING.I invariably arrive in the same place when I slow down to contemplate. It’s the being…the comfort in my own skin that I so often seek – clearing out the clutter and the clatter to come back to your fabulous non-conclusion conclusion: …” feeling like maybe I don’t need any purpose at all”. That’s my purpose…stay nimble, do the things I love. Wishing you all the best in your journaling moments, Todd! 🥰

  4. The thing about purpose is that people often turn it into something bigger than it is. I believe that purpose means you get out of bed in the morning with something to do, something you’re looking forward to, or something that excites you. I truly believe that’s different for everyone. One of the quotes I wrote down last night from the video we watched at my church group is that we can’t do everything but the world would be a better place if we all do something, whatever “our something” is.

  5. It’s like if you read in my mind Todd! I have thinking about my (new) purpose for some time now and my training as coach makes me feel that not having one somehow is not good. And your conclusion “to be just for the sake of being” is very enlightening and will make my life easier. And if one day I will find another meaningful purpose, tant mieux! So, thank you for this post!

    1. Thanks for reading Cristiana- I’m glad the timing was good! I can see how being trained as a coach might make this sticky situation tougher. Best of luck with whatever new things are in store!

  6. Love seeing you again, Todd! I think revisiting our purpose is a great idea – and you’ve charted the progression for different phases so well. Good luck exploring!!

    1. Thanks Wynne- I’ll let you know when I get it all figured out 😅🙃
      Thanks for reading!

    1. Thanks for sharing that- I’m glad you found it relevant! It really is funny how often a random blog seems to catch us at the right time 😎😎

  7. I can relate to how you’re feeling, Todd. I’m currently on a little break from blogging as well and feeling a bit rudderless when it comes to writing. I didn’t even intend to take a break…it just sort of happened. I’m not planning to exit the blogosphere, but I’m re-thinking my approach to blogging. I guess the long and short of it is, I’m working out what it is I’m doing exactly with my creative writing tendencies.

  8. Enjoyed this post. I’m 60 – a working writer but also a musician. I play out regularly – but always trying to figure out whether it’s music or writing that moves me the most. I especially related to the reference to childhood. It seems the older I get, the more aware I am of my ten-year-old self and his aspirations and dreams. I think we had it figured out then. I think you’re right about recapturing the things you mentioned – the answer is there somewhere. Take care.

    1. Nice- another writer and musician! It’s a fun combo 😎 Thanks for your comment- I like the idea of our 10 year old selves having it right.

  9. «Maybe my new purpose is to recapture that old feeling of exploration, learning and enjoyment I knew as a kid; to be just for the sake of being.» ❤️

  10. Contemplating adjusting your direction is an exciting and daunting position to be in. You’re right. Seldom does changing to walnuts on your cereal feel fulfilling (just filling, lol). I’m also a retired teacher and I can relate to that need to find something substantial to get excited about, and to give your life purpose the way teaching used to. Wishing you the joy, Todd, of discovering all the possibilities ahead.

    1. Thank you Caroline! I hope you find the excitement you’re looking for too. You’re right- it’s a good spot to be in but maybe not as easy as it may seem.

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