The Only Thing The World Needs From You

“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” – HOWARD THURMAN (SOURCE: THE LIVING WISDOM OF HOWARD THURMAN: A VISIONARY FOR OUR TIME) I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking, ‘what do you mean the ONLY THING the world needs from me?! The world demands EVERYTHING from me!!!’ ‘It … Continue reading The Only Thing The World Needs From You

Why Freedom Demands Responsibility

“The principle of freedom must be our first commitment, for without this no one is immune against the virus of aggrandizement – the impulse to grab power, wealth, position, or reputation at the expense of others.”  – HERBERT DOUGLASS – SOURCE:THE COST OF FREEDOM True freedom is a commitment to experiencing the very real limitations of our choices.  We will always have to live with some sort of, … Continue reading Why Freedom Demands Responsibility

Do You Belong?

Hi everyone, Let’s talk about the sense of belonging today. We naturally want to belong to a place or person. We want to be part of a community. We therefore value family and we tend to prioritize them. Family partially gives us our personality. Then, we also belong to a group of friends and colleagues, a class, a neighborhood, a religious group etc., which gives … Continue reading Do You Belong?

The Social Media Networks Distortion – Reblog

   I’m often thinking about the impact social media networks have on our society (Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, twitter and so on). How do we see them? What are we expecting from them? What kind of connection do we have with all those people?    Honestly, I’m worried about the influence of social media networks on our lives because they create expectations which cannot be fulfilled. … Continue reading The Social Media Networks Distortion – Reblog


Hi everyone, Let’s talk about food today. I have always been interested in human universals and I also have had sufficient enough interaction with people from different cultures. I noticed a lot of similarities between all these people but one thing that always caught my attention more than anything else is how food works for all. We all know that we need food to literally … Continue reading Food