people in train

Rethinking Leisure in the Age of Total Work

If you are losing your leisure, look out! –It may be you are losing your soul Virginia Woolf In modern society, work has come to dominate almost all aspects of our lives. One’s identity becomes subsumed by their job title. Days become filled with endless tasks and checklists. Ever increasing productivity seems to be our guiding principle. In a highly competitive global economy, efficiency trumps … Continue reading Rethinking Leisure in the Age of Total Work

man in formal suit jacket holding his necktie

Redefining Success: Beyond Your Job Title

In the modern world, our job titles tend to be the centerpiece of our identities. When you meet someone new at a social gathering, the first piece of information that they will likely disclose to the question ‘what do you do?’ is the details of your chosen profession. Your answer to this question will dictate how you will be perceived by others. If you tell … Continue reading Redefining Success: Beyond Your Job Title