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Your Emotion is Your Energy

your emotion is your energy
Drawing by Adrian Serghie

   Each action we make involves some energy, but where is all that energy coming from? You surely noticed that we feel more energized when we do certain actions compared with others even though no additional energy came in.

   It seems that whenever we like something, we somehow find more energy to invest in that something compared to when we don’t like it. In my opinion, this energy comes from the emotion we feel regarding that thing. When we like what we do, we tend to use our energy towards doing it and that action itself creates more positive feelings, which will create more energy. As Tom Bilyeu says: “Find the thing that gives you more energy that it takes.” This is related to the “likeability” degree, which determines the level of energy.

   Ok, negative feelings are feelings too so they also create energy. The thing is that the created energy is consumed with the negative thoughts related to that situation. Furthermore, when the situation itself is unpleasant, it doesn’t create positive feelings so it will take more energy than it creates. This is why we can get exhausted by doing one hour something we dislike compared to doing two hours something we like, even though the last situation could be more challenging from a physical point of view.

   Have you noticed that whenever we feel intense positive emotions, we feel like we could do anything? It’s because we’re full of energy. Passion, motivation and whatever “–ion” out there is related to emotion. Whenever we do something we don’t like, we have a reason for that and we take the energy we already have and we’re spending it there leaving us exhausted. When we do something we like, we invest that energy because it comes back to us through positive emotions.

   There is one more thing we need to take into consideration. The valence of the emotion is given by our mind so we can switch between positive and negative if we manage to change our perspective about that situation. Basically, our mind gives or takes our energy.

   What action gives you more energy than it takes?

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