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Wanna set a better goal?

Wanna set a better goal
Drawing by Adrian Serghie

   Brian Tracy is a dude very goal oriented and he helped tons of people with his books about this and about how important our mindset is for the quality of our life. Since his techniques are very useful for many people, I want to share with you one of his techniques about how we can figure out which one of our goals is the most important for us.

   It goes like this: make a list of 10 things you want to achieve in the next 12 months (10 goals). Now ask yourself which one of those 10 goals could have the biggest positive impact over your life if you could use a magic wand to make it real in 24 hours. According to Mr. Tracy, the one you pick up should be the most important for you and it deserves most of your attention.

   Mr. Tracy dude talks about how his life is made out of achieving goals because in his opinion, goal achieving is the key for success and happiness. He talks about goals starting from a few minutes to years, depending on the complexity and the time he has on his hands (for example, if he has 5 free minutes, he does some 5 minute tasks).

   It doesn’t sound that hard, does it? This can be applied to different periods of time, not only for a year. Actually, Mel Robbins talks about something similar regarding to daily tasks. The most important task requires most of our attention and according to her, we need to start with that to make sure that we make the most out of our day.

   Goal completion is linked to dopamine release so each time a goal has been completed, some dopamine makes that person feel good. Maybe Mr. Tracy found a way to keep the dopamine flowing through his body with all these goals involved so that’s why he does so many things while being happy about completing them.

   What strategy do you use to find out what are the most important things you need to get done?

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