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How to surround yourself with the people you need

Wanna set a better goal
Drawing by Adrian Serghie

Have you ever wondered why that cliché with you are the result of your 5 closest friends’ mindset exists? It’s because it’s real (“No shit, Sherlock!”). The idea behind this is very simple: the more time you spend with certain people, the more of their mindset will sip into you because you’re going to talk and to the same things over and over again.

What we do on a daily basis defines our life, including the way we think. So if your friends whine about how tough the life is without any desire to do something to change it, guess what you’ll hear every day? And if you hear that every day, it will become part of your thinking, unless you are surrounded by a different perspective as well. Influence is everywhere and because of this, we can easily be influenced by our surroundings, especially by the things or people for which we have some sort of feelings (you care about your friends, right?).

There are some steps required to “find” the people you need:

Think about yourself as an influencer as well, because that’s what you are. You are one of those 5 people for somebody so think about the way you behave around those people. Is your behavior helpful for them? What about for you? Do you offer the mindset people need or you offer the mindset people would be better off without? Everybody influences everybody so think about the influence you offer.

Are you the person people need or are you the one that brings negativity in other people’s lives?

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