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SnapDragon Speaks: On Anxiety

Written by SnapDragon X. All rights reserved. Copyright 2019.

Original Painting by SnapDragon X.

My name is SnapDragon, and I have anxiety.

(Hi, SnapDragon.)

It sucks. But it’s true.

The first time I realized the out-of-body, paranoid nervousness I felt was anxiety, was roughly seven years ago. It happened while I was teaching my high school English classes.

It was awful.

For no particular reason—in fact, it had been a successful and happy day—I felt trapped. I felt like everyone was watching me, judging me. Every time my classroom phone rang, I just knew it was the principal delivering the message that I was fired.

For. no. reason.

 It was, in a word, insane. I had precisely zero reasons to feel this way.

But after much reflection (and professional help) I realized that I had been living in fight-or-flight mode, everyday, for years. Inner city teaching + inner city living + commuting an hour each way twice a week for graduate classes = complete havoc on the nervous system.

I hadn’t realized that I was more or less holding my breath through every moment of my day, waiting for relief. Waiting for a bowl of pasta, a shower, and sleep.

But, dear friends, I got through it.

And so will you.

While I no longer live and teach in the city, I still have bouts of anxiety. They often hit when things are seemingly at their best, and then I remind myself that the other shoe could drop at anytime. Surely, things could not be this easy.

You spoke too much at the meeting.

You sounded self-righteous.

You’re a disappointment.

You’ll never get everything done.

No matter where we go, anxiety lurks like a thief in the night.

But we cannot let it win.

So I focus on my breathing. I sit outside in the morning sun. I stroll the isles of the grocery store, enjoying the scents of artisanal breads.

I remind myself, as cliché as it sounds, that this too shall pass.

The bluebird of happiness will return, love.

. . .

What strategies help you when anxiety hits, Dear Reader?

SnapDragon is an educator, artist, and lover of life.

Follow Snippets of SnapDragon for two-bit musings and more.

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