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SnapDragon Speaks: On Authenticity

Written by SnapDragon X. All rights reserved. Copyright 2019.

Original Painting by SnapDragon X.

 Hello, love. I’m SnapDragon.

You don’t have to be around me for very long to realize that above all else, I value authenticity.

I also have a pretty keen radar for fakeness. People may say the “right” things, but the proof is in the pudding, friends.

What I mean is you see the real person through their actions, through those day-to-day encounters.

How do they treat others?

Do they admit when they’ve made a mistake?

Are they living a life they want, or one they think society expects?

Now, don’t get me wrong: I understand that living a truly authentic life can be easier said than done.

We don’t want to hurt others.

We don’t want to let them down.

It’s hard, yo.

But I’ve decided that life is just too damn short not to do what makes you happy. (Caveat: If your happiness comes from hurting, shaming, or dismissing others, that is not okay. Period.)

Other people are always going to judge us.

Some people will never understand us, and that’s just the sad truth of it.

But is it our responsibility to make them get it?

Well, here’s a little about me, and how I live my best life:

 I’m an educator.

I’m currently working at the university level to implement a program in high schools that encourages students of diverse backgrounds to enter the field of teaching.

There are moments when I don’t have all the answers. But you know what? I choose to be honest and say, “Let’s find the answer together.”

I’m an artist.

I paint expressionist pieces that are vividly colorful, and most often of the nude female body. They’re raw, cartoony, and often met with looks that say, “Hmm. I don’t get it.” But you don’t have to, love. These are for me.

I’m a homebody.

I love being home. I love playing video games with The Sweet Husband. I love curling up with my two precious cats and reading Stephen King. Yes, on a Saturday night. Some may call it lame, but I call it glorious.

And so, that’s me, Dear Reader. In a nutshell, anyway.

These are the things that make me me, and make me so very happy.

So the point of all this?

Be you.

Be your original, brilliant self, and if others don’t get it, oh well.

Because you deserve happiness, friend.

We all do.

. . .

What ideas, hobbies, and values make you authentically you, Dear Reader?

SnapDragon is an educator, artist, and lover of life.

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