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What is “normal”?

what is normal
Drawing by Adrian Serghie

   We live in a society and it seems that whatever the majority of the society does and thinks is viewed as normal. But how appropriate that is? Just because most people do it in a certain way, does that mean we all should do it? Should we accept whatever people think it’s normal as part of our life just because that’s what they think?

   Many years ago it was normal for people to write letters and it wasn’t normal to have a beepy thing in your pocket. Now, it’s the other way around and that’s because Alexander Graham Bell and then Martin Cooper had the guts to challenge the traditional way of communication. The normal way isn’t necessarily the only way to do things. It’s merely the most popular way.

   To challenge the normal way is a… challenge. Because those people that use the normal way will judge and cuss and try to do whatever it takes so stop that because they are afraid of what might happen. People hate changes because deep down they don’t know if they can handle it so they don’t even want to try. “Why fixing something that works?”

   It’s funny how this works because we all admire the ones that do different and succeed. But we don’t know and we don’t see the process. We don’t see the cussing and the judging. We don’t see what that person had to endure to get to the top. We only see the top of the mountain, not the mountain itself. And they got there because they challenged the normal way and they did it their way and we appreciate them for that. But when they start, do we appreciate them for challenging the normal way?

   It requires strength to challenge the normal way, but it is very rewarding in the end. What part of normality would you like to challenge?

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