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Want vs Need

do you
Drawing By Adrian Serghie

In a world full of stimuli, we want everything. And with everything, frustration and regret comes. You start to double-check every decision and you keep comparing it to the endless potential. And for what?

The biggest problem raises from the fact that we rarely analyze what we really need in life. We want this and that and what our neighbor has and what our friends have and so on. But we rarely wander if we really want those things. We just know that we want them. But why do we want them? And furthermore, do we really need them? If so, for what?

If we get really real with ourselves, we’ll realize that we don’t need much in life. More than 80% of the things we want is to prove something to someone (or to everyone) or to prove something to ourselves. We rarely go beyond the “having” point. The same comes when we think about people. Try remembering all the people you had a crush on or you had (or wanted to have) a relationship with. Before getting in touch with that person, you thought he/she was “the one” for you. However, after a while, you realized something is not as it should. And that’s because you got passed the “having” point one way or another (you either wanted something/someone else or you figured it out that you should let that person go).

My point is this: we want so many things (or people) because we think we need them, but actually, if we really think about it, we realize we need so little in life. Everything else is an extra.

Of course, just knowing this will barely change anything. The craving and the desire will still be there, but maybe a second-thought will appear before you act upon that desire.

What do you want in life, but you actually don’t really need them?


PS: If my writings mean something to you and if you feel you can learn anything from me, check out my book (Fighting the Inside Dragons) on Amazon in both Kindle and Paperback format!

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