Site icon Wise & Shine

Life Assess

do you
Drawing by Adrian Serghie

When you think about your life, what thoughts come to you? What about when you think about life in general? What’s the difference between those two perspectives?

I’m now wondering if the feelings I have when I consider the worst parts of my life are the same with other people’s feelings. There are people on this earth that consider losing their phone being the worst thing that could happen to them. Yes, it might sound a little strange, but that’s what they feel. And when it happens, they really feel it! There are people on this earth that consider losing their best friend being the worst thing that could happen to them. The feelings might be similar even though one situation appears to be more important than the other.

The worst thing that could happen to me is to lose my wife. I feel I can endure everything as long as she is with me. And this gives me strength, lots of it. This is because that not a single sh*tty thing that can happen during any day can compare to that perspective. However, when someone considers the worst thing that can happen to him/her is to lose their phone, their “pain tolerance” might be low. How would they react if they lose someone close to them? How would they react if they go through an accident of some sort?

I believe that what we consider the worst creates our pain tolerance and we unconsciously compare our daily sh*ts to that. We are capable of more, but our beliefs are the ones that limit us.

In your opinion, what’s the worst thing that could happen to you?

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