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Introversion vs Extraversion

introversion vs extraversion
Drawing by Adrian Serghie

   These personality traits are very popular and used by a large number of tests. Even though we see this most of the time as two different things, it’s actually more of a continuum so the conclusion is that we all have some percentage of each of these two traits (according to Carl Jung and the developers of the MBTI).

   “Extraversion tends to be manifested in outgoing, talkative, energetic behavior, whereas introversion is manifested in more reserved and solitary behavior.” – Wikipedia

   I’m sure that most of you are pretty familiar with this definition, but the question is: how definitive is it? If it’s a personality trait, does it mean that we will always be this way? Apparently, there were conducted some twin studies which concluded that there are genetic components involved (from 39% to 58%). So a maximum of 58% of our introversion/extraversion is dictated by our genes. The rest we’ve learned. If right now we are more introverted, we can learn to be extroverted too. We can be 58% introverted and 42% extroverted or the other way around (in theory).

   Whatever the case might be, it’s about the comfort zone. If now we are more comfortable being introverted, we can extend that comfort zone to be extroverted too (also called ambivert). I found this to be very interesting because now I know that I can control this part of my personality. Even though I’m born with a certain genetic baggage, I can extend that baggage however I want and if I want to. Of course, it requires lots of work and it requires putting myself in uncomfortable situations, but it’s doable!

   From an introversion/extraversion point of view, how much % introverted and how much % extroverted are you?

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