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There is no success without failure – Video

   This big ball we’re living on is moving forward and it’s Monday again. Maybe the perfect time to start something new? Or maybe not perfect, but definitely the time because the ball is not stopping and we’re not going to get this time back.

   When my alarm went off this morning my brain tried to stop me from getting up. It tried to hold me down with thoughts like “Why are you doing this? You’re just a random dude with a random computer writing horrible random sh*t. Nobody cares! This world is too big for you to make a change so you’ll probably fail” and all because it was nice and cosy in bed. Then I started to wonder that if the world is so big and I am so small, why should anyone care about this? But the funny thing is that this goes both ways. It goes for both the good and for the bad so if nobody cares about the good, why should anybody care about the bad? Nobody cares if I fail except for myself and I know that failure is part of the process so I need to do it anyway. Thus, I woke up.

    Someone from the video below said that we only hear, embrace and appreciate the failure some “successful” people have after they managed to get successful. We can connect the dots when we look behind and we do it too rare when we look forward because we cannot really know which thing leads us where. We can only assume based on what we know now and our assumptions are not that precise.

   Most of these people talk about the same thing wrapped up in different words, but the most I love is Kevin Hart’s examples about his failures when he was 22. How many of us would have been so tough to go through something like that and still move forward?

   What failure you need to experience so you can move forward?

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