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The Nothingness of Writing

Billy Osogo

Writing is a beautiful and intriguing undertaking. Like most things in life, it makes certain demands of its practitioners. These include monk-like dedication, soldier-like loyalty and child-like curiosity.

Ideas are the fuel on which this art runs on. They are as diverse as the billions of writers on this planet. In my experience, ideas come in waves. Most times, the tide is high. An idea tidal wave if you will. Think of how people Kenya’s Ngugi wa Thiong’o, South Africa Kopano Matlwa, or Britain’s JK Rowling just seem to be churning out books.

On other days, the tide eases. A smooth sea if you will. These periods when your mind is tabula rasa. A clean slate. A writer’s block by any other name.

All writers, even the most seasoned of them, have been at this point of the sea.

Indulge me, how do you wade through this period in your writing journey?

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