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Mastering Your Morning Momentum

We can’t control countless components of life, but we’d be childish to let the chunks we can change cascade through the cracks. So, where do we start? At the beginning.

Picture this: You wake up five minutes late and it affects the rest of your day. You arrive late to work which means you stay later, then you’re late for your next activity, you eat dinner late, and you end up going to bed late. You feel frazzled from the start of your day and it bleeds into every aspect from there on out. Sound familiar? Unfortunately, too many people find themselves in this cycle which is a direct route down the Autobahn of burnout, fatigue, sickness, and serious physical, mental, and emotional well being. So why do so many of us let the morning hit us like a brick wall?

First things first, it’s absolutely imperative to have a good night’s sleep in order to set yourself up correctly for the next day. Sleep your eight hours. Just do it.

Next, it all starts with building a strong base of willpower and motivation. How? By implementing a morning routine—something you can look forward to everyday. A routine that’s not a chore, but rather something you deserve. Implementing a strong morning routine helps build willpower, increase discipline, and will set you up for a day where you can thrive. With all the uncertainty in life, a solid morning routine will help you prepare for those inevitable moments where life turns us upside down.

Study after study has shown the scientific impact of a morning routine. You may have seen some of the trending videos where CEOs have explained their morning routine; although it may seem frivolous, they have a point. For example, Jeff Bezos has an unlimited supply of black t-shirts in his closet so he doesn’t waste time choosing his outfit each morning. This works for him, find what works for you.

Here’s what works for me:

My morning routine:

  1. Meditate right after my alarm rings
  2. Make my bed
  3. Wash my face and put in contacts
  4. 20-25 minutes of yoga
  5. Light breakfast to feel energized for the day
    • Green tea and oatmeal with blueberries and agave for me
  6. Finish getting ready and get dressed for the day

This works for me because I start off every morning with a sense of accomplishment from making my bed and meditating. I follow this up with a quick vinyasa yoga practice which helps me to clear my mind, set a purpose for the morning, and stretch my body before I work eight hours. Then I choose a light breakfast as to not feel too heavy and lethargic for the day.

Someone once told me:

“How you do anything is how you do everything.”

Unknown source

If you start your morning off apathetic, you can bet your bottom dollar you are going to carry that laziness into the rest of your day. If you’re going to cut corners and not take care of yourself in the morning, how can you expect to have a different mentality throughout your day? How you do any one thing in your life reflects on your relationship and respect for yourself. Put 100% into everything you do and your willpower, self-love, and motivation will grow exponentially. Taking care of yourself will enable you to care for all the relationships in your life.

If implementing a morning routine seems like too much for you, change the way you view a morning routine. Instead of another chore added to your to-do list, it’s something you deserve. Your mind and your body deserve to start the day off right, to start the day off accomplishing a routine that will enable you to thrive at your highest level throughout the day. You deserve to start off every morning in an enthusiastic state of mind ready to conquer whatever the day may throw at you. So what’s your morning routine going to look like?

“We can’t control the sea, but we can learn how to surf the waves.”

Headspace mindful moments

If you already have a morning routine, take some time to reflect on if it’s really working for you. Does it put you in the right frame of mind for the day? Do your routine consider both your physical and mental health? While you eat breakfast are you scrolling through social media or are you mindfully eating and using your time wisely to prepare you for the day ahead?

For a similar article about how to break up, and enjoy, the repetition in your life read my last post:

Thanks for reading! If you want to read more of my posts you can find my personal blog at:

P.S. On the weekends I change up my routine to indulging in waffles or beet pancakes (my fave) for breakfast, and I add an extra 30 minutes of yoga. 🙂

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