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Passion and motivation are not the same thing

   This is one of the topics approached by most people and it’s interesting to see why. Tom Bilyeu said that most people ask him how to find their passion so I guess it’s a pretty interesting thing. What’s more interesting is that the people who ask this feel they need more in their lives. They feel that they are not doing what they were created to do and this can be very depressing.

   Right now it’s 11:08 PM and after I’m done with this post, I need to write my 1000 words on my book which will take 2-3 hours. And I need to get up at 6 AM to get to work (I have an unrelated daily job). Is it passion that drives me to do this? Is it motivation? One year ago I was learning web design programming because I thought that’s what I wanted to do in life and I did it for about 4 months and I stayed each day until 12 – 1 AM. That couldn’t be also passion, could it? Does motivation come from passion? It’s probably a mix-up.

   I believe that this is a tricky subject because with the right motivation we can go through hell to achieve what we want, but we might hate what we’re doing. We might be passionate about what we’re doing, but without the right motivation, we might not find the reason to do it. Mel Robbins says that motivation is garbage because it comes and goes and it doesn’t stay long. She also says that our brain tries to trick us into not doing things because we might get hurt. I think that this is also related to the homeostatic balance.

   In my opinion, passion and motivation are two different things. Passion is the how and motivation is the why. For example, I am passionate about cooking, but I only do it for my family because I have no reason do be a chef or something like that. I think that sometimes the passion itself can be the motivation as well and motivation can bring some sort of passion. I love my family and I want to provide the best for them and this drives me to do whatever it takes. So motivation drives me through my daily job and passion drives me through my “writing job”. I love writing so this is my passion and I think I can make a living out of it some day when I’m good enough so it is my motivation as well. My daily job is ok so I’m not passionate about it, but I need the money for me and my family and that’s my motivation.

   Doing what we love (passion) brings joy into our daily lives so it is important for us to find it whilst motivation is what drives us through the day. Sometimes those two aspects can be represented by one thing, but I think that we need both for our life to be closer to ideal.

   What’s your passion and what’s your motivation?

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