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Hello everyone,

We are here to do some Sunday reading again. Welcome you all!

I want to discuss something I often struggle with today: acceptance.

I come from a family of government workers. In Turkey, a government worker can be a teacher at a public school, a doctor at a public hospital etc. When you work at a government institution, you are guaranteed for life. The state will not fire you and will protect you in your retirement too.

That also means a very predictable life. Often, such families become more inclined to predict everything in life and when something unpredictable happens, they overreact. Coming from such a family, I grew up with that mentality too.

But then, I chose an unpredictable life path. I change interests and careers every now and then. I changed the country I live in etc. And yet, I sometimes still struggle with accepting changes when they don’t go my way. When the change is sudden but it is one that I want to have, then I don’t have a problem with that. I enjoy that kind of change. But if it is something that I do not want to have, it takes me a long time to accept it. Very biased. The ideal is that if I say I am adaptable to change, I should be in every case, but the human mind is biased, especially if you grew up in my kind of environment. For now, I take pride in at least being able to adapt to some kind of change, but I need to extend it to all kinds of change. That is when true acceptance comes in. Accepting whatever happens, with the belief that whatever happens is for your own good at the end.

How about you? Do you like changes? Do you adapt to changes more easily than others? If not, why do you think that might be? Let’s discuss acceptance today.


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