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Everyday Baggage

Hi all,

How was your week? I hope you all had a great week. I want to discuss the extras in our lives today. Our baggage in a sense.

We hear discussion of minimalism and how to apply it every now and then. The less we own, the better we feel (as long as our basic needs are covered). This has some advantages: (i) there are fewer things to get attached to, which helps us to focus on ourselves, (ii) the clutter in our living space is reduced, which in turn helps reduce the clutter in our minds and (iii)  we spend less money. I have been a natural minimalist in this sense all my life, I think and I can tell you that it is great.

But I believe we need to be minimalist in other areas of our lives too and in those, I failed in those terribly. The most important is emotional minimalism. This is when we do not take the emotional burden of things that we do not need to. For example, we cannot know the future. So, ideally, we should not carry its burden now because we can’t do anything about it anyway. Or there is a person who we like and we want him to be a better person by changing an aspect of their personalities. If we focus constantly on trying to change this person, that is extra emotional burden too. After all, this person has his free will and it is up to him to change at the end. I failed in both of these hundreds of times in my life.

I think it is also important to be minimalist in our physical energy too. What I mean here is that we should be physically active but not in a way that will wear us out. As much as our body needs is fine. More tires it out. We should keep in mind that our bodies are our vessels and we should take care of them. I failed in this multiple times too.

So, overall, we should try to get rid of all types of extras in our lives. This will make us feel lighter and more connected. After all, who would want to carry someone or something else’s luggage when they are traveling, right?

Now, let me know what you think. Are you a minimalist? If so, in what sense? Do you think it is necessary? If you have tried it before, what changes did you notice?


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