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Time Use


Hi everyone,

Let’s talk about how we can best pass time. How can we make sure that our time is productive and also relaxing?

My mornings are usually productive. I like getting up early. My afternoons are a bit lazy because I usually meet my friends in the afternoon. But I still can do work. My evenings are dead in terms of productivity. But I usually end up using my energy for the whole day and feel tired at home.

What I want to do is to make my evenings better spent. Not necessarily work, but do something else that will make me feel happy and also more useful. That is why I want to ask everyone how they spend their days and what are some activities you do to make the most of your time? Things that will not tire (rather relax).

I think making the most of our time is important because I want to be useful to humanity. I don’t want to just pass time. I believe our purpose in this life is to do the most of what we are given. It could be our intellect, our talent, our time etc. But if we use them all the time, our resources drain. So, we need to do things that are not targeted at using our sources at times. In that time, they can rest and next time we use them, they will be more in tune.

But that does not necessarily mean that in the time we do not use our sources, we have to kill time for no good (though that is also needed sometimes). We can find activities that will add new talents to us such as new hobbies, for example. It is these times that I want to utilize better.

Ultimately, I only feel satisfied with my life I am good to myself and other people and am trying to find ways how I can get this satisfaction. So, I need you guys’ help. Share how you achieve better time use and suggestions on what I can do with mine.


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