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Movie Thoughts – Hachi: A Dog’s Tale (2009)

Movie Thoughts   This is an emotional true story based movie about the bond between a man and his dog (you can find more about this movie here).

   I watched this movie a few years ago and I still remember how powerful it. I look around and I see how rare such a powerful connection is between us, humans, the members of the same species. It is very sad to take lessons about love from a dog, don’t you think?

   This movie made me think about why this happens. How come such deep connections can be possible between two members of different species? I’m sure it’s not the only example. I personally had a dog and it was great (not as great as this movie, but still…). I’m trying to think this compared to humans connections. Maybe it’s because there is no fear involved? None of those two is afraid that the other might betray him? Maybe it’s because there is no ego involved? Maybe it’s because their behavior is not faked?

   Whatever it is, it obviously has nothing to do with language nor with understanding. Sure, we can say that pets are the greatest listeners, that they are always there for us and that they don’t judge us, but that’s because they cannot understand our sh*t. Isn’t it strange that we feel so connected with someone/something just because we feel that we’re not judged? This is a sign of how important it is to listen to people… to know when to keep the mouth shut (we can learn it from pets). We sometimes need to learn by example from wherever we can because nature is smarter than we are and this movie is an example.

   Have you watched this movie? What thoughts have you encountered while watching it?

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