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How to Stop Self-Sabotaging

Life can be full of enchantment, entertainment, and excitement, but at times you can also find yourself in a rut and you don’t know why. You were doing great, but something along the way changed. Your entire mood shifted and it affected your attitude the rest of the day. The most frustrating part is not knowing how you got here.

Chances are… you’re mentally drained. To make matters even worse, you’re mentally draining yourself.

Don’t be disheartened because it’s exceedingly common and now isn’t the time for blame. Rather, it’s simply time to understand what’s happening and to increase your awareness of the subject.

Here are examples of some mentally draining activities:

All of these behaviors significantly hinder your ability to maintain emotional equanimity and happiness within. They’re mentally, emotionally, and physically depleting you.

It’s easy to become caught up in our lives; after all, we are all the main character in the personal Hollywood cinema of our lifetime. However, it’s important to take everything with a grain of salt and tune into perspective. ‘Woe is me’ won’t take you anywhere.

“If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else’s, we’d grab ours back.”

Regina Brett

The good news—you can fix this. You can hoist yourself out of a rut, even a trench, and get back on track. The truth of the matter remains that there’s no “magic trick” to fix your inner harmony. But you can learn to re-train your thoughts which will regulate your inner peace over time. And this can start today. Start by taking bite size pieces. Start by eliminating 2-3 mentally draining activities from your daily life. It won’t be easy and it will take a while. There will be speed bumps and times where the journey seems fruitless. But I can also promise you that you’ll see and feel improvement by the end of your first day.

This topic is close to me because I realized I had an off week and I couldn’t figure out why, until I added up all of the mentally draining actions I was doing. The first step is to become aware, and the second is to act on it. We’ll ascend on this journey together… Here’s to letting our minds become fountains instead of drains!

Are there any mentally draining activities you’d add to the list? How do you mitigate self-draining thoughts and actions? How do you strive to maintain emotional harmony and balance? Let the comment section below act as an uplifting space to share our tips, tricks, and testimonials among one another.

For a similar article on How to Love the Repetition of Life, visit

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