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This Is The Place

The sunset shimmered its last pinkish-orange breath of the hazy evening as my mom announced, “This is the place,” as we descended into the valley of twinkling lights. Snow was still glimmering on the mountainside as the day began to wind down. This was my view the first time I could call this valley my home.

Previously in the week I packed up all of my possessions and psychologically prepared myself for the move. A trek of twenty-two hours in the car from the windy city landed us in the sweet spot situated between the Wasatch and Oquirrh mountain ranges. The metaphor of this seemingly mundane car ride became more and more evident to me. I couldn’t help but feeling I was driving straight into my future when I was behind the wheel, as if an anchor was pulling me closer and closer to my new home. I was as excited as I was anxious about what lied ahead.

I was inescapably entering the era of my life everyone asked about ever since kindergarten. “What do you want to be when you grow up?” I finally knew. Alright, maybe I had an idea before, I was never “undecided” in college, but I now knew the exact position and company that would fulfill my dream.

Two months ago I wasn’t sure if all of my plans were probable or not. After living in Europe for nine months, I knew I had a nice douse of reality headed my way; my list of ‘things to do’ loomed over me. For starters, I needed knee surgery asap. Second, I needed to find a job in my career. I remember feeling overwhelmed my first week back in the states with the amount of things I needed to sort out in such a short time frame. Nevertheless, I attacked the situation the only way I knew how.

Yesterday I accepted the job offer of my dreams. My self-identified secret to success? Persistence – attacking each day with the same enthusiasm I had on Day One. If you don’t believe in yourself first, how do you expect anyone else to believe in you either? You know yourself best, and you know you can do anything you put your mind to. Sometimes that right there is the hardest part for people to accept, that they have power beyond their imagination. Throughout my career search, my mom told me over and over to visualize the life I want, the job I want, and in the location I want, a term called “manifestation.” Funny how moms are always right isn’t it?

Writing this “inspiration” if you will, made me think of the well-known quote:

“Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our greatest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.”

Marianne Williamson

Wherever you’re at in your life, it’s never too late to believe in yourself again, or more. Start tomorrow…….hopefully that didn’t sit right with you. Start today. Change is a mindset that can start immediately. I believe in you, it’s time to believe in yourself.

“Believe in yourself” is a common cliché we’ve all heard numerous times. When we hear something too often we subconsciously ignore it. But pause for a moment, what does Believing In Yourself really mean to you? What actions do you take that show you believe in yourself?

“This is the place,” is what one of the pioneers proclaimed as he first laid eyes on the valley of Salt Lake City. My mom also said it. But it can also be the phrase you can use to signify the place where you renewed a commitment to believe in yourself more. Use this or use anything else that suits you.

Are you going through any major life changes right now? Do you have any goals you’re waiting for the perfect moment to start on? Any advice for me as I enter my career? Will believing in yourself more be one of your New Year’s Resolutions?

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