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Sunshine Blogger Award Third Nomination

   I want to thank Richard, the founder of Photosociology, for this nomination. I really appreciate this! It means a lot that you’ve thought of nominating me. Ok, let’s do this!

The Rules


The Answers

  1. What makes you cry?

   Sometimes I get so angry that some tears come up because I see people limiting themselves by taking certain beliefs as being real and this hurts them very bad. They are certain that whatever they think is real even though they have no proof for that and this pisses me off to the point I start to cry. I’ll do my best to help with this because I hate seeing people suffering for something that’s probably only in their heads.

2. What gives you joy?

   Spending time with my wife and our two cats and seeing that my blog posts help other people brings me joy.

3. What is your favorite book and why?

   My favorite book is The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck by Mark Manson because he says things that we need to hear, including the fact that we’re wrong most of the time. It’s somehow liberating for me to know that I’m wrong. It leaves room for improvement.

4. Who is your hero and why?

   I have more than one, but I’ll choose Elon Musk for this because he tries to bring a change in the world despite the odds. He has that level of craziness we need in this world.

5. Favorite food?

   The chicken sandwiches my wife makes. I think they are angel sandwiches.

6. Your reason for blogging?

   My reason for blogging is to share the ideas and thoughts that I find useful for myself because I believe we can use all the help we can get to make our life better, or at least to stop seeing it worse that it actually is.

7.Your favorite movie and why?

   My favorite movie is Shutter Island (2010) because it expresses the idea that we live our lives based on the image we have about the world and that our minds are powerful as f*ck.

8. What is your favorite number?

   I don’t have a favorite number.

9. One thing you have learned about life?

   The thoughts we have are only theories that need to be tested. We shouldn’t believe them just because they’re ours.

10. What would you say to your younger self?

   Life is a bumpy road. Enjoy the ride.

11. One thing you’d change about the world and why?

   I’d like for people to start looking deep inside themselves for answers about how they would like to live their lives. There is too much worrying out there for nothing. I believe we should realize what’s really important for us and what do we do to please others. Life is more that we realize and if we aren’t open for new ideas, we’re missing it.

The Nominees

My Questions

  1. What is your biggest fear?
  2. What would you like to achieve with your writing?
  3. On a scale from 1 (hell would be better) to 10 (everything is more than perfect), how satisfied are you with your life right now and why do you think so?
  4. What is the first thing you do every morning?
  5. How do you like to spend your weekends?
  6. What are you grateful for?
  7. What things do you have on your bucket list?
  8. What’s the craziest dream you ever had?
  9. What’s your core belief?
  10. What is your biggest desire?
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