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Question of the Day: No. 531

By Troy Headrick

This past weekend, I watched a couple of episodes of Family Pictures USA, a great program where the host, filmmaker Allen Thomas Harris, travels around America asking people to share old photos and talk about their ancestors and family histories.  One of those who showed pics and was interviewed made an interesting comment.  He said that looking at old photos is the clearest way of understanding that we stand on the shoulders of others, that we are who we are because of those who played key roles in our lives early on.

His comment got me thinking.   We often forget that we grew up in extended families and that influential others have helped shape us, in all sorts of ways.  So, with all that in mind, here’s today question:

Who played an important role in your life and what did you learn (or “get from”) that person?

This is great opportunity to acknowledge a key person in your life and to share a little bit about that individual.

I look forward to hearing your stories.  Thanks for participating!

Troy Headrick’s personal blog can be found here.

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