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Invigorated By India

In the midst of a time where hope is hard to find, I want to take a moment to share something on my mind. Although fear and worry seem to be spreading like wildfire, hope and positivity catch on just as fast. I choose to spread light rather than to focus on things I can’t control.

My work sent us an email today with an inspirational message and a few powerful videos to encourage hope. One song really resonated with me, “Muskurayega India” which means “India will smile.” Music finds a way to connect us through the passion and conviction of the singer’s voice. There’s nothing quite like finding a song you feel you can really connect with.

I am sharing this video with you because it filled me with an overwhelming sentiment of hope, and that we’re all in this together. As hard as it can be sometimes, we’re going to get through this together. It’s okay to not be okay, and know that you’re not alone. I hope this video brings you as much inspiration as it brought me.

“The cities will shine again.
The smile will return back to the villages again. 
Again, all friends will come together, 
There won’t be any restrictions, and limitations anymore. 
Everyone will dance on the roads again. 
The wheels will spin on the tracks again. 
The playgrounds will be lively again. 
We will spread happiness all around. 
And we will share our griefs too. 
The dreams will catch a flight again.”

Has anything particularly brought you a sense of hope for the future during these tough times? Share it below with myself and others and we feed off each other’s optimism 🙂 Namaste!

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For a similar article I wrote about How to Love the Repetition of Life, you can read read:

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