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How Traveling Could Make You A Better Person

And How It Can’t

Traveling Definition — Google Search

(As found on

I’m talking about the first definition. Where you use a mode of transport to lift your entire body and shift it to some other place.

Right now, I’m sitting on a chair at a desk. Inside a nice cozy room at my grandfather’s place. Hundreds of miles away from home.

My father enjoys traveling. Thus, he is always off to some or the other place.

But I don’t like traveling. I’ll discuss those reasons later. But this trip has taught me a lot.

Why I Liked Traveling

Because it boosted my learning.

That’s why. Lessons that I learn in 7 days are learned only in 2 days! Or 32 hours, to be precise.

I learned the importance of living in this, and only this moment.

How thoughts were at the root of most misery.

How people need to realize that they even have a problem.

How the human mind works.

How my own mind works.

How lethargic I get when no one is looking.

How true am I to myself when no one is looking.

How distracted am I?

Am I able to write even without a routine?

I have answers. Answers to all those damn questions and many more. I have got to understand many more people and their problems. And most importantly, the cause of those problems.

At home, I’m not socializing with different people every day.

I don’t go to a school or office every day. And thus, I’m with 3 family members aboard the “home” ship.

But when I’m out, I face a lot of people. I come in contact with different sorts of people. Many many relatives whom I never cared about seem very interesting all of a sudden.

I face many fears.

I even got to know recently that I had started to avoid public eye in most situations. I don’t like to be the focus of the group. It makes me uncomfortable.

Let alone other people, I got to know so much about myself! I get to practice all my tactics in different types of problems.

I face new situations and that too with a twist and a turn.

During holidays, we’re free most of the time. I can’t sit in front of the screen and rub my fingers over the keyboard the whole day. So that leaves me empty.

When you’re empty-headed, which is very important. Otherwise, 90% of the time, you’re roaming around with your mind-full. Maybe you’re mindful! (But not the Buddhist way.)

Empty heads are a soft target. Many many thoughts come and go all the time. If I’m carrying out some of my mundane tasks, thoughts will still be there. But they’re not so evident.

When I sit empty, thoughts are under my awareness. I know what type of thoughts are coming in and going out.

So you get to know what all trash is sitting in up there!

And why does this all matter to me? Because I’m a writer! And writers need reboots. They need more and more research.

Research over themselves. Research on other people.

Meeting other people teaches you a lot.

My father has a simple formula for finding flaws and defects in ourselves.

We all know how easy it is to find others’ faults and finger-point them. But you can change the way you’re doing it.

Whenever I see someone at fault or judge somebody, I ask myself, “Am I also affected by _______ habit?”

For example, if a lady sitting next to you is too noisy, ask yourself, “Do I disturb people around me in the same manner?”

It is that simple. This shifts our attention from the other person to the first person. The first person, which is you, that requires and deserves the most attention.

Traveling teaches you how to tackle with boredom. If you’re bored at the moment, what can you do to drive that boredom away? Or is it necessary to always do something? Can’t I sit empty?

I know, sitting empty seems very ineffective. And it is against all self-help rules. But at the same time, it teaches detachment. Otherwise, we turn into an addict who is addicted to productivity and time-management.

Our heads are full of trash we don’t need, sitting empty and letting that trash fall off is vital.

This time, I passed hours this way. I did nothing. I would watch the stuff out the window. Or I would just sit, listening to the people and things going on.

As soon as a thought chained to the futuristic plots would enter my head, there would be restlessness. That too a lot of it.

And as soon as I would break away from it, I would get relaxed instantly. That was magic!

Long story short, traveling is a moving life classroom. A classroom where one can decide whatever he/she wants to be taught.

Why I DON’T Like Traveling

Because there’s a prejudice in my head.
Because there’s a prejudice in my head.
Because there’s a prejudice in my head.
Because there’s a prejudice in my head.
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Because there’s a prejudice in my head.
Because there’s a prejudice in my head.
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Because there’s a prejudice in my head.
Because there’s a prejudice in my head.
Because there’s a prejudice in my head.
Because there’s a prejudice in my head.
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Because there’s a prejudice in my head.
Because there’s a prejudice in my head.
Because there’s a prejudice in my head.
Because there’s a prejudice in my head.
Because there’s a prejudice in my head.
Because there’s a prejudice in my head.
Because there’s a prejudice in my head.
Because there’s a prejudice in my head.
Because there’s a prejudice in my head.
Because there’s a prejudice in my head.
Because there’s a prejudice in my head.

Oh my-my, that’s a lot of detail!


Go book yourself a ticket if you don’t have a prejudice in your head!

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