“Enlightenment Stuff”

According to the Veritas Publishing website, David R. Hawkins (1913 – 2012) was an internationally renowned spiritual teacher, psychiatrist, physician, researcher, lecturer and developer of the widely-known Map of Consciousness. I’ve read two of his well-known books (I, Reality and Subjectivity and The Eye of the I) and found both of them helpful and informative. I remember chuckling when he expressed the following (paraphrased) statement in one of his YouTube videos:

People will either think you’re enlightened or insane!

The paradox that is involved for “anyone” who has recognized our essential nature is that no person ever becomes enlightened! Although this may seem confusing from the perspective of the person, the reason is quite straightforward: To experience enlightenment is to awaken from the dream of personhood; in other words, the level of believing yourself to be the person is transcended through direction experience. Conversely, study “about” enlightenment yields only the accumulation of information.

The journey to Truth is not for the faint of heart. Along your journey, it’s possible that you may encounter questions about your mental stability, or face challenging interactions with Beings who are deeply rooted in the perspective of the person. Although such is not pleasant, it’s completely understandable; because the spiritual perspective is vastly different from our conditioned ways of viewing life. If such occurs, it’s wise to remain grounded in true Self and remember that conflict usually arises due to involvement of the ego, which needs to prove itself “right”–to gain what?

One of the issues that will strongly challenge most seekers is related to the very nature of our apparent “world.” Fortunately, a deeper understanding is available through the Double-Slit Experiment, and the subject is also addressed through the following two questions in Who Am I?, by Sri Ramana Maharshi:

Seeker: Will there not be realization of Self even while the world is thee (taken as real)?

SRM: “There will not be.”

Seeker: “Why?

SRM: “The seer and the object seen are like the rope and the snake [SRM is referring to the illustration of someone, who, while walking at night, mistakenly identifies a rope as a snake]. Just as the knowledge of the rope which is the substratum will not arise unless the false knowlege of the illusory serpent goes, so the realization of the Self which is the substratum will not be gained unless the belief that the world is real is removed.”

When I was first drawn to the subject of non duality (through books and videos related to Eckart Tolle, Rupert Spira, and Mooji) many years ago, a point was reached at which my ego decreed that it wasn’t going to tolerate this “enlightenment stuff” any longer. Our true nature is, of course, beyond the mind’s capability to comprehend. I’m very grateful, however, that through Grace I was repeatedly drawn back to the material and continued my daily practice of meditation.

For those of you who are earnestly eager to recognize (know again) our essential nature, I hope that you will find comfort through some of the content of this article and steadfastly continue along your spiritual path. As your perspective shifts, your ego will undoubtedly rebel and inform you that you’d be better off with an affair, a new car, or another binge watch of a Netflix series. It’s also true that some of your familiar relationships may change or fall away; but you will acquire new friends who can relate to the changes you’re going through. To fall back into the perspective of the person is only to invite more suffering. Keep the faith; the pearl of great price (self realization) is more than worth any apparent sacrifice required.

Note: To find a short but worthwhile video of David R. Hawkins that can lead to greater understanding, please type “Dr. David Hawkins: Enlightenment” on YouTube.

Dare to Dream (and care for one another).

With heartfelt regards,


Copyright © – 2022 – R. Arthur Russell


If you enjoyed this article, you can find more of my writing at https://think2wice.me/. My YouTube videos may be found through this link. May the content of either or both help you along your spiritual journey. 🙏🧡

10 thoughts on ““Enlightenment Stuff”

  1. This feels like encouragement to be on the path! Thank you, Art: …”my ego decreed that it wasn’t going to tolerate this “enlightenment stuff” any longer. Our true nature is, of course, beyond the mind’s capability to comprehend. I’m very grateful, however, that through Grace I was repeatedly drawn back to the material and continued my daily practice of meditation.” 😊😊😊

    1. Thank you, Victoria, for taking the time to comment! My post is meant as an offering and encouragement for those who find themselves on the path toward knowing recognition of their essential nature. 🙏🧡

      1. You’re so kind, Victoria. I just hope that the content will be of service in some way. There’s more information available for those who find themselves drawn to it. When the time is right, the pull will be irresistible.

  2. I honestly stopped seeking enlightenment years ago, there were conflicting lessons on what it meant and how to achieve it.

    Instead, I have tried to seek to become more like the Source of enlightenment, which is based on Love. When I heard that our plane vibrates at the same frequency of Love, and that God and the Angel’s natures are based on Love, I realized the simplicity of where I needed to direct my growth.

    Developing self-love, where I learned to speak kindly to myself instead of harshly, has helped me develop even more compassion and love for others. We give from the abundance of our hearts. I seek to become simpler in how I love, less complicated in what I am seeking from life, more grateful for all I have.

    I have learned that thoughts are real, they affect not only our minds but our bodies as well, so learning to think in more loving ways towards ourselves and the world around us, then means our bodies and mental health are stronger and healthier.

    To me this is a desired result of enlightenment, for seeking enlightenment purely for an intellectual kudo serves no purpose in life. When we seek to become in harmony with ourselves, with others and with life, to me that is the best application and purpose of enlightenment!

  3. Hi Tamara,

    I totally agree: …”for seeking enlightenment purely for an intellectual kudo serves no purpose in life.” For those who know, there is no kudo of any type whatsoever because, of course, “everyone” already is Buddha Nature, Christ Consciousness, whether this is realized or not. 🙏

  4. I know folks who have been on the spiritual path for a very long time, and suddenly reverse course and trade “this enlightenment stuff” for the stuff of the teachings of their youth. It sometimes caused me to question my own beliefs and wonder if my path was leading me astray. Fear was always a part of the equation—uh oh—am I wrong? In the end, however my fear (and the fear that others foisted upon me about being wrong) served to strengthen my resolve and helped me to anchor me in faith and trust, knowing that I am on the right path. Whew. What a relief! My prayer for all in these dire times is that we open our hearts to the awareness that there is within us a pathway that leads to peace, love, and joy. We need only take the first step! Thank you, Art, for your insightful and uplifting posts.

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