green tree photo

Lessons from Nature

Below is a poem I wrote inspired by the peace, joy and reprieve being in nature provides me.

What do you find in nature? Let me know in the comments below.

worms eyeview of green trees
Photo by Felix Mittermeier on

Nature, teach me how to live

To embrace change and

Flow effortlessly like the steady stream

To embody the wisdom of the trees

Who shed their leaves in the fall

Scattering their vibrant colours and

Peculiar shapes across the forest floor

So to can I

Learn to let go

Liberate and regenerate

For refresh and renewal

Nature, you do not judge

Night from day

Calm from storm

Chaos from order

What seems split in two, is all but one

And you do not rush

With time and ease

All that needs to be done is done

Nature, let me learn from you

Let me immerse myself in the vast natural world

For I am you, and you are I

I am you, you-I

This was originally posted on my personal blog: Lessons from Nature – A Life of Virtue: Philosophy as a Way of Life

Source Image: Pexels Free photos

4 thoughts on “Lessons from Nature

  1. Love this poem. This morning as I look out my bedroom window the awe and appreciation of nature and all her creatures is rewarded. A beautiful wild white deer strolled by and is now happily eating acorns under one of our many oak trees, the mist clings to the hillside and a magpie was busy ripping nesting material from a hanging basket on our verandah. My mood is lifted and I feel at peace with the world once again. I wrote a blog post a while ago about Mother Nature being the great equaliser.

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