A Few Commitments To Myself

And I Got Committed For At Least 5 Minutes

Today, I actually saw myself standing on a podium, lecturing people. About what? I don’t know.

It was a daydream, to be honest. But there is some stuff that I took seriously.

I Want To Give The World The Best Of Me

Nothing less than that.

That’s why I’ve decided to change.

Not just change, but transform.

I can’t be something that’s not good. I want to be better than what I am right NOW!

And I’ll work right NOW!

I have to stop cheating and lying to myself.

I can’t lie to myself! That’s like digging your own grave! (And I don’t like graves. They’re dark and probably smelly!)

I can’t tell the world to be honest with themselves and their parents without practicing it myself!

I can’t tell people that there’s nothing in an expensive iPhone when I myself hold so much importance for it!

I do not want to share something with people that I myself have never witnessed, experienced nor practiced. Or still practicing.

It’s A Challenge To Myself

In my vision, I saw myself on a podium, as told earlier. But as I dreamed of this, I was sitting in front of my books, ignoring my work.

Where’s the commitment?

That is why, I challenge myself, right here, right now. Can I become the best version of myself?

Can I have the qualities that I admire the most and preach the most? Can I become a person whom I admire the most?

I wanna know, that how much can one improve? People say that the sky is the limit.

Is that true? Even if it is, is that true for me?

Park Steve Jobs and Thomas Edison for a minute, and focus on me.

I know, that I’m going to forget all that I’m talking about here. But there has to be a point where I change myself.

Evolve myself!

Become a better me.


Whenever I find myself lost again, I’m going to come back.

Right here.

Read what I’ve written, and charge myself up once again.

What I’ve written today is big stuff.

But there is one thing that I abhor, that is to steal gold and lecture people about honesty.

I have to keep working. I don’t need to be Mr. Perfect to share something with other people.

But I have to be true to myself. If I’m telling other people to stop multi-tasking, am I trying it myself?

It’s not necessary that I have to be a master uni-tasker. But am I working on that myself?

Or is my advise just another copy-paste from somewhere?

I feel so much sincerity in me right now. And that’s cool.

Let’s see how far you and I go on this long long journey…

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11 thoughts on “A Few Commitments To Myself

  1. The phrase ‘The sky is the limit’ is wrong to me, because it assumes that everyone needs to aim for the same target and direction. But some people will go to the sky and while others will walk the whole earth. Both are valuable in their own ways.

  2. I love that you are challenging yourself and becoming vulnerable in the process. This is when you really begin your journey towards authenticity. All the best to you!!

  3. I can relate to this so much. I think sometimes it’s so hard to take a backseat and actually look at what you’re doing and your actions and to recognise the parts you want to change and do differently. And also remember to reward yourself when you’ve achieved one of those things too, and be proud of yourself for it!

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